意大利之夏英文版 意大利之夏
《意大利之夏》是1990年意大利世界杯主题曲,英文版是:《To Be Number One》,演唱者为:吉奥吉奥·莫罗德/吉安娜·娜尼尼
This is what we've worked for all our lives
Reaching for the highest goal we can
We choose to give it all
When competition cals
Time records the victory in our hearts
To win or lose is not the only thing
It's all in how we play the fairest game
This is the chance we take
Reaching for the top
Time records the victory in our hearts
To be number one
Running like the wind
Playing hard - but always playing fair
To be number one
Winning again and again
Reaching higher -
To be number one
This is what we've wanted all our lives
Shining like a shooting star at night
We've got to give it all
When we hear the call
Time records the victory in our hearts
To be number one
Running like the wind
Playing haed - but always playing fair
To be number one
Winning again and again
Reaching higher
To be number one
To be number one...
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